The Trinity Community
Trinity is extremely proud of the entrepreneurial spirits of her members and invite you to visit their pages and support them if you find that you have a need. As CMEs, we are called to support each other in business that we may be a blessing to our brothers and sisters.

At T. Griffin Law Firm LLC, we understand that facing legal issues can be stressful and overwhelming. That's why we strive to provide our clients with exceptional legal representation and compassionate support throughout the entire process. We specialize in criminal defense, estate planning, and personal injury law, and our attorneys have the experience and knowledge necessary to achieve successful results for our clients. We are dedicated to ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome for your case.

Looking for great loc and natural styling services in Birmingham and surrounding areas? Try Kendal's Dreadheads and you won't be disappointed. Kendal is a licensed loctician in Birmingham, Alabama, who specializes in styling and maintaining dreadlocks, human hair extensions, coloring, starting dreadlocks, hair repair, braids (real and synthetic), stylizing dreadlocks, detoxing and shampooing. She also offers classes on her techniques to those interested in expanding their knowledge about dreadlocks care, styling and maintenance. And she loves the kids. ❤️

Do you want to become a better you both inside and out? Check out Trinity's pastor fitness Facebook page to prepare yourself to get FITT with Ken: there is no greater transformation than one done through FAITH!